

SZ CnAuto automation equipment Co., Ltd.

Specializing in the production of automatic\precision\high speed dispenser manufacturers

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作者:馬交易 點擊量:135

Mobile phone TP dispensing large automatic dispensing machine in addition to precision and speed, but also be able to use the hot melt adhesive, because mobile phone TP requires the use of hot melt glue dispensing machine, the general can use hot melt, bu.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:144

Many dispensing equipment produced in large automatic dispensing machine, performance is the best one, with many other dispensing machine without the dispensing technology and speed, large automatic dispensing machine can perform high precision dispensing.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:244

Mobile phone TP dispensing large automatic dispensing machine in addition to precision and speed, but also be able to use the hot melt adhesive, because mobile phone TP requires the use of hot melt glue dispensing machine, the general can use hot melt, bu.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:111

There are a lot of mobile phone parts need dispensing, dispensing the requirements of each site will have some different dispensing equipment use different or the same station using different dispensing machine, there are such things to happen, because th.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:171

The large automatic dispensing machine is a fully functional device, which has a lot of applications. For example, mobile phone touchscreen dispensing, FCP dispensing, camera module dispensing, fingerprint unlocking dispensers, etc., are basically used fo.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:194

There are many domestic large-scale production of automatic dispensing machine manufacturers, these manufacturers have a certain strength, but in the mobile phone TP dispensing equipment, only few manufacturers can produce large mobile phone TP automatic .



作者:馬交易 點擊量:145

Shenzhen is the place where most of the production of dispensing machine, jet dispensing machine vision is also in Shenzhen has been developed, production of automatic dispensing machine has been on time, in the choice of dispensing manufacturers, is stil.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:160

The production process of the product determines the quality and value of coating dispensing is an important technology in the production process of products, mainly used in the bonding between products or enhance the product's appearance, coating dispens.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:180

With the application of dispensing technology, more and more industries need to strengthen the value of products through the dispensing, multi axis dispensing machine is responsible for bonding, in the manufacturing industry in the production of sealing g.



作者:馬交易 點擊量:194

In the production of colored badges can be carried out through a dispenser, dispensing machine supports a variety of properties of glue, color glue after the badge external more uniform light, so the badge dispensing essential, the practical application o.